Business Process Improvement
Every successful business engages in analyzing evaluating, and improving the processes that constitute the organization’s value stream(s), either for the purpose of driving out unnecessary costs or for the purpose of improving the effectiveness of those business processes.
The challenge facing businesses today is to ensure that they remove only the right costs and that they focus on the right business processes in order to improve their competitive value propositions. This requires alignment of the organization’s value-based strategy and its business process improvement initiatives.
MVS has developed a comprehensive system to ensure that this alignment takes place.
This system begins by:
- identifying the organization’s strategic focus and measuring customer value within those strategic priorities
- using that Voice of the Customer (VOC) to identify value-enhancing opportunities and developing competitive marketing strategies around them
- identifying and mapping the current state of those value streams and business processes most critical to the creation and delivery of outstanding value, and applying the tools of Lean or Six Sigma to enhance both the efficiency and effectiveness of those processes.
Get a Free Consultation
More than just a business process improvement consultancy, MVS provides the tools and the assistance to link your process improvement initiatives to your competitive marketing strategies based on customer value. Contact us for more information.